Friday, October 3, 2008

50 new words

  1. LORGNETTE : eyeglasses with handle
  2. SINISTRAL: left-handed
  3. FUNICULAR: cable railways
  4. CURRISH: snarling
  5. CERUMEN: earwax
  6. BACCIFEROUS: berry-producing
  7. HELVE: tool handle
  8. UNGULATE: hoofed
  9. COPRA: dried coconut meat
  10. COSSET: pamper
  11. ROSTRUM: dais
  12. BANSHEE: Gaelic death spirit
  13. RAMATE: branched
  14. TONSURE: shaved head
  15. ANOXIA: lack of air
  16. SOPHISM: fallacy
  17. EXEGIS: explanation
  18. PILOSE: hairy
  19. ENATION: outgrowth
  20. CHIMERA: illusion

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