Sunday, November 2, 2008

Update on 101 things ... January 2010

So this is where I stand ...

Personal / self-improvement
1. Take at least one photograph every day of the 1001 days. (225/1001)
5. Experiment with cooking by trying two new dishes a month. (14/66)
6.Learn 50 new words and use them. (20/50)
8. Plan every meal for two weeks and follow through. (completed December 28, 2009)
9. Make a list of 101 things that bring me pleasure. Display it. Remember. (completed October 11, 2008)
10. Avoid being sarcastic or biting for a full twenty-four hours per month. (if that is possible, do it again). (6/33)
14. Make my own Christmas cards. (completed December 2009)
20. Organize quotes I love into a quote book. Add at least one a week. (15/143)
21. Watch all the available seasons of Boston Legal (watched 3)
22. Read 150 books. (31/150)

Cultural / New

48. Have a picnic outside in a park or near a lake, stream, river. (completed August 14, 2009)

55. Dress up for Halloween.(completed October 31, 2008)
67. Go to 4 live concerts (1 /4 - David Cook)

Giving spirit
72. Donate or toss 101 items. (101/101 - Completed September 2009 ... all donated)
73. Donate 50,000 grains of rice through (5,100/50,000)

Financial / Savings
76. Put $50 a week into savings or a cookie jar. ($1,400/$7,050)

Work / Business
83. For one work day a month, do nothing but work all work-day. (8/33)

House / Home / Family
85. Bake puula 4 times (2/4)
86. Set up indoor/outdoor herb garden. (completed July 2009)
87. Surprise my husband once a week. (29/143)
90. Make fondue (completed December 2009)
96. Prepare nice Sunday dinner every week (33 /143)
97. Have a backyard perennial garden (50%)

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